Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A view from the top of the Pyramid.

Meeting Dr. Shashi Tharoor during Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas, 2009.

There was a complete brouhaha during one of the sessions regarding India's youth not being participative enough in the politics of the country and their indifference to the country in general. I got a lilttle charged up and told these lines when i met Dr. Tharoor.
"Sir, since there was a lot said about us in there, i thought let me express my views regarding what we think of the government and the system in our country today. Most of the time when we look for example setters in the politics we hardly find any faces. All we see is the image of our grandfathers while we wish to see someone like us leading in there. The result is its not at all inspiring." The other point i mentioned was "Tell them to stop dividing and putting barricades on our education on the basis of caste, community and religion. One one side they tell us we are all equal and on the other they divide us."
All the while he nodded in affirmation and i realised i might have spoken after getting carried away a little, but his reply "Keep the fire burning" didnt make me feel sorry at all.
A meet to cherish!

1 comment:

  1. Hii Ashu
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    waiting for ur revert
    regds sangeeta


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